Garden architecture
A separate part of our business is the design and construction of garden architecture. Our team will create for you a modern gazebo, solid terrace, comfortable swing, elegant car port or wooden winter garden. Our company, using wooden elements either bent or simple, creates an element of garden architecture always perfectly suited to your needs, as well as to the style of your home. Terraces and platforms are built by us also for business: exhibitions and expositions – wherever your business and the products should be attractively presented. Each element of our design is protected by two layers of waterproofing paint, wood stain or oil and additionally waxed or varnished, which guarantees several years of use.
Wooden terraces

White terrace
Wooden terrace with curtains
Pergola BSH
Revitalization of the facade of business premises
Work on the revitalization of the “half-timbered” was done on request of the customer who has purchased the buildings firmly bitten by the tooth of time and wanted to keep their original appearance. The first task was delicate sandblasting brick, filling cavities, and impregnation. The next stage is the renovation of the beams in the wall and to secure them from further erosion. Doors and windows were so damaged that they could not be saved, so our experts have replaced them with new ones using old ferrules. To hide the air conditioner the special casing was created with an opening side for a service.
Design and implementation: KONCEPT team
Pergola with benches
This element of garden architecture was designed by the investor and manufactured by our professionals with patinated wood. [Does not require repair painting]
Design and implementation: KONCEPT team
Location: Amsterdam
A swing-hammock
Swing – hammock suspended on the ropes on two beams arranged at an angle of approximately 60 ° to the ground. Bench is made of a highly porous pine protected with wax. Bench can be adjusted to any position from sitting to lying. In addition to benches two swings for children were installed made of exotic wood [abachi, does not heat up.] Total height; 260cm, total width of 400 cm, the dimensions of the bench; 200 cm width, 80 cm depth of the seat!! Seat height 85 cm!! Permissible load 200kg, color and configuration of any small are swings optional.
To avoid unaesthetic wiping of the grass under the swing a terrace was built with larch planks grooved on both sides. Terrace was built at the same level as the lawn and is built on a fixed structure. To avoid flooding, drainage under the terrace was done.
Design and implementation: KONCEPT team
Location: Zduńska Wola
A swing
Convenient swing of our project with perfectly smooth wood – oiled and waxed. Capacity of ropes: 2,020 [approx. 1900 kg].
The width of benches: 210 cm.
The depth 85 cm.
The height of backrest 85 cm.
Design and implementation: KONCEPT team
Location: Belen
The terrace with a roof
According to the idea of the customers we have created a project with a terrace area. 40m2 covered roof with an area of 50m2.The work started with the dismantling of the old arbor and the demolition of the wall to build a balcony door to allow leaving the house directly on the terrace.
After installing a new window with a door [without threshold] we proceeded to the construction of the roof structure of which was five strong prisms were embedded in the wall. Roof was supported with three beams embedded in solid feet in concrete ground. We covered the roof with plank tongue and groove and laid roofing paper 3D. To regain taken through the roof light of the house we installed in the roof two large roof windows, illuminating the kitchen. Then we created a comfortable and safe staircase with Japan luminaires. The floor was made of larch tree floating structure to minimize tension.
At the end of the paver from a sister company composed a piece of granite, and the gardener revitalized the lawn.
Design and implementation: KONCEPT team
Location: Warsaw
The gazebo
Gazebo was made of larch wood sawing and dyed according to the project of the investor. Mounted on metal feet embedded in concrete in the ground. For the construction we used only twelve screws, by a process for assembling “the castle” is not applied the coarse metal brackets (Each of our design is made without visible metal elements.
Design and implementation: KONCEPT team
Location: Pabianice
Terrace of spruce wood
Design and implementation: KONCEPT team
Location: Kalisz
Roofing over the terrace
At the request of the client over the existing terrace we set a design, which covered the thick glass [advantage of glass is that when heated does not smell like methacrylate, it is easy to keep clean and, like the wood is natural, because is made of quartz sand. The wall bordering with the terrace we laid out with decorative stone. a flower pot created of patinated beams 8 × 8 cm.
Design and implementation: KONCEPT team
Small terrace
Built on the same level with the lawn. The exotic wood was framed with subtly illuminating area around the terrace.
Design and implementation: KONCEPT team
Location: Połajewo nad jeziorem Gopło
Platforms built on the needs of trade and exhibition built with pine boards, are relatively cheap and durable. In the picture remains one of picnics in Lodz.
A vestibule
Vestibule – skeletal structure, inside insulated with wool Knauf ECOS [1] outside the vestibule insulated with Styrofoam characterized by a low ratio thermal conductivity 0.031 W / mK. The floor and the foundation made of Styrofoam insulation xps. The doors are 9cm. thick insulated with foam and polystyrene, they are embedded in the frame of solid wood with a thickness of 16 centimeters. Front finished with plank imitating bal, and the side elevation was covered with smooth plaster and painted in fashionable belts. The results of thermal imaging demonstrated excellent insulating properties. Carefully thought-out design, the use of modern materials and precise execution allowed us to get a stylish-looking part of the house, and most importantly, energy-efficient.
1] Mineral wool with ECOSE Technology is an innovative insulation, free from formaldehyde, phenols, acrylics and no artificial colors or bleach – is naturally brown. It arises from rapidly renewable raw materials such as silica sand and recycled glass.
Design and implementation: KONCEPT team
Our idea for the swing
In preparation.
The idea for a gazebo or summer house
Soon, more inspiration